5 products I would definitely bring with me on an island… for an holiday of course! Or just for daily life.
RODIN olio lusso facial cleansing powder & Glossier milky jelly cleanser. Both are some great New York City purchases, although one year apart. I discovered the Rodin powder last year and I have used it sparingly ever since so it could last longer. $$. It really exfoliates gently and/or hydrates my skin (depending on how much water I add to the mix). It leaves my skin very soft to the touch and my pores look smaller. Who would say no to that! Plus, because it is a powder, you don’t have the gooey texture of any other cleansing oil! With that face cleanser, my skin looks almost flawless without any makeup. Almost as if I were living with the “soft wash” snapchat filter on. #skingoal
Glossier’s cleanser is one of the newest additions to my skincare regiment. I only started using it a month ago. It is very nice and it leaves my skin with a very freshly washed feel. My pores also look more refined. Also, it is way more affordable than the Rodin one and you get to “personalize” it with cute stickers! They always get me with the packaging.
Origins’ Out of Trouble 10 minute mask to rescue problem skin. All-time favorite! This sweet little thing clears my skin in one go! Disclaimer: you need to apply a THICK layer for instant results. I try to apply it every few days, or whenever I think my skin needs some damage control a.k.a. pimples… texture… life. It is obviously a very quick way to mask. Also, it leaves the skin with a menthol-ish smell and feel. So fresh!
Jo Malone’s Pomegranate noir cologne & Tarte’s Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara. Pomegranate noir, what a scent! Ok! Fine, this product will definitely not go on my face, but I spritz my neck with it. Sooo… that counts! Yes, it is a sample, but once i get to the last drop I will definitely purchase it. It is that good! As Michael Faudet once wrote; “Her perfume reminded me of freshly picked flowers and sticky candyfloss, mixed with a gentle hint of debauchery”. Well, that is what I imagine “debauchery” smells like during a winter storm. Cozy but also very sexy! This scent is so very smoky. So it also reminds me a lot of the Lapsong Souchong tea at the Ritz Carlton. Absolutely perfect for fall and winter.
Tarte’s limited edition mascara is of course only limited edition because of its unicorn skin like packaging. Although this mascara is technically the classic Lights, Camera, Lashes, the packaging is e-very-thinggg! Like the regular mascara, it plumps the lashes, it gives them length and they look fuller. So-very-perfect! I think it is the little extra you can wear whenever you want to feel more put together without a full face of makeup.